class documentation

This abstract class can be extended to add support for new config file formats

Method get_syntax_description Returns a string describing the config file syntax.
Method parse Parses the keys and values from a config file.
Method serialize Does the inverse of config parsing by taking parsed values and converting them back to a string representing config file contents.
def parse(self, stream): (source)

Parses the keys and values from a config file.

NOTE: For keys that were specified to configargparse as action="store_true" or "store_false", the config file value must be one of: "yes", "no", "on", "off", "true", "false". Otherwise an error will be raised.

stream:IOA config file input stream (such as an open file object).
OrderedDictItems where the keys are strings and the values are either strings or lists (eg. to support config file formats like YAML which allow lists).
def serialize(self, items): (source)

Does the inverse of config parsing by taking parsed values and converting them back to a string representing config file contents.

itemsan OrderedDict of items to be converted to the config file format. Keys should be strings, and values should be either strings or lists.
Contents of config file as a string